
Direct Preventive Care

Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is one of those medical conditions that are often said to occur among older men. However, young men may also encounter this issue. ED is not an illness predominantly that affects elderly people because evidence suggests that approximately 1% to 14% of males who are less than 40 years old also suffer from ED. One common question is – does tadalafil increase testosterone. Even though the risk of having ED is higher in older ages, the occurrence of ED among young males is not at all a rare event since it has both physical and psychological causes. 

Tadalafil is very commonly used for the treatment of ED in males, but a lot of people are curious about the side effects of tadalafil on the level of testosterone. Now, let’s discuss the causes of ED in younger men, does tadalafil increase testosterone, and effective ED treatment options.  

Common Causes of ED in Younger Men 

Before discussing ”does Tadalafil increase testosterone”, let us uncover the common causes of ED in younger men. Below are some of the more common causes of ED in men in their 20s and 30s. 

1. Psychological and Emotional Causes 

However, with time, psychological disorders have emerged as one of the leading causes of ED among younger men. Stress, anxiety, and depression can significantly hamper performance. Societal pressure and expectations with respect to intimate functioning may, in part, be fostered by watching media, and these place an individual under undue anxiety that causes ED. 

Medical conditions such as depression and anxiety increase ED, creating another vicious cycle. Performance anxiety may sometimes be established once a man fails to achieve an erection. Treating these psychological problems through therapy would also be quite crucial in treating this condition. 

2. Medications 

Certain drugs, which are usually prescribed for younger patients, can cause ED. These include antidepressant drugs to prevent hair loss, which decreases intimate desire and the ability to achieve or maintain an erection. It is useful to consider these side effects when determining the cause of ED. 

3. Vascular Conditions 

Healthy blood circulation is an essential requirement for achieving the desired results. Poor vascular conditions, such as hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, and atherosclerosis or arterial hardening-impede blood flow to the penile area and can lead to ED. Such factors can precede a disease that can affect cardiovascular health in younger men as well. 

Lastly, other conditions, such as diabetes and obesity, will contribute to the disease. Diabetes is eroding both vessels and nerves, which are integral to an erection. Obesity is associated with an increased risk of vascular disease and low levels of testosterone, making it a contributing factor to ED. 

4. Neurologic conditions 

In addition to vascular problems, many other conditions can cause ED, such as neurological diseases, including multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injury, or traumatic brain injury, that prevent proper transmission of nerve impulses required for erection. Although diseases from this group are not as common in younger men, they may be one of the underlying causes of ED. 

5.  Endocrine Disorders 

Hormones, especially testosterone, have critical roles in intimate health. It is generally recognized that low testosterone contributes to decreased desire and failure to achieve or maintain erection. However, low testosterone levels among young men are often secondary to other medical conditions, such as anabolic steroid use, Klinefelter syndrome, or testicle injuries. 

However, low testosterone does not directly point to a man suffering from erectile dysfunction. The relationship between testosterone and erectile function is more complicated, which is why most men ask, does tadalafil increase testosterone? Although it does improve blood flow, helping to treat erectile dysfunction, the direct effect of tadalafil on the testosterone level is not exactly certain. 

6. Lifestyle Factors 

Poor lifestyle practices such as excessive alcohol consumption, substance use, and smoking are great risks for ED in younger men. Various research has clearly shown that marijuana abusers are twice as likely to have ED. 

Other health effects of poor diet and lack of physical activities in most men include obesity, diabetes, and heart diseases, which expose them to higher chances of ED. Quitting smoking, exercising regularly, and keeping a good diet can greatly impact the reduction of ED occurrences. 

Treatment Options for ED in Younger Men: Does Tadalafil Increase Testosterone?

In young men, treatment of ED usually begins with the identification of the cause. But, does Tadalafil increase testosterone? Your physician will advise you on the blend of lifestyle modifications, medications, and other more invasive treatments relevant to your severity and cause. 

1. Lifestyle Modifications 

In many cases, lifestyle modifications can easily produce great improvement in erectile function. Healthy exercise, diet, and smoking abstinence can revitalize healthy blood circulation and improve performance. 

Reduction of alcohol intake while stress is well managed. Lifestyle modification that can benefit the patient not only for ED but also other aspects of health and well-being: Cut back on alcohol and manage stress. 

2. Therapy for Intimate Health  

The secondary causes of ED, especially among the younger male population, are psychogenic in nature. Counselling with a therapist would resolve performance anxiety, relationship problems or other forms of emotional stressors that could lead to ED. Therapy for couples might be advisable to discuss these problems and exercise solutions. 

3. ED Medications 

Let’s focus on the question – Does Tadalafil increase testosterone? Oral medications, including sildenafil (Viagra) and Tadalafil (Cialis), are commonly used to help with ED. For younger patients, a daily low-dose medication may be prescribed. Such drugs induce more spontaneous erections and will also treat psychological impotence. 

Does tadalafil increase testosterone? No, it does not. But Tadalafil does help treat erectile dysfunction by improving blood flow into the penile region. This addresses one of the main causes of the condition. 

Restoring Confidence and Intimate Health through Prescribed Medicines 

Now, we have an answer to the question: does Tadalafil increase testosterone? Understand the fact that erectile dysfunction is not restricted to old men. Many physical, psychological, and lifestyle factors in younger men cause erectile dysfunction. This requires identifying effective treatment, which involves admitting the existing problem and then finding a solution. 

Direct Preventive Care offers personalized solutions to help younger men manage ED. Both our low-cost Sildenafil, a generic equivalent of Viagra, and our Tadalafil are an inexpensive alternative for Cialis in erectile dysfunction treatment. These are much lower in price than their branded counterparts. 

Direct Preventive Care aims to provide effective treatment and expeditious handling of primary causative factors for ED by providing easy access to healthcare professionals. We offer proven, affordable solutions for the effective restoration of intimate health and confidence. 


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